He shows two fairies sitting and lying on bits of litter: a juice carton, an empty can and a banana peel. This photograph is called Sugar and Spice, All Things Nice, This Is What Little Girls Are Made Of #7 by artist Mat Collishaw. You're a Daydreaming FairyYou want to be left alone to day dream your days away, sitting and chatting with your friends! You're happy not dancing around in circles or flying everywhere all the time. Paintings like this one influenced our idea of the 'typical' fairy. Do you think the fairies in this painting look magical? Their flowing outfits, tip-toe poses and the leaves and petals they wear were all features given to fairies. Romantic artists were excited by emotions and tried to reflect the awe and wonder of the natural world. He is an important figure of the Romantic age. You're at the centre of every party and always the first one to start a fairy ring. Turner used the idea of this fairy to experiment with light in a painting.You're a Party Pixie You love to party all night long with your fairy friends! Music, dancing and letting the good times roll are your priorities. In a poem by a poet called Percy Bysshe Shelley, Queen Mab is described as having a fairy palace, ‘radiant with million constellations, tinged with shades of infinite colour’. She is known for playing midnight pranks on sleeping humans by running her chariot over their noses. She was a fairy that could create dreams. Queen Mab is a character in a play by William Shakespeare. This painting is called Queen Mab's Cave by J.M.W. You're a Mischievous Meddler You are crafty, cunning and very very clever! Fairies like you know how to influence the humans around them and play magic tricks. In the play, he tricks humans into doing what he wants by changing his form. He flies away on a bat singing, 'On the bat’s back I do fly, After summer, merrily.’ Like lots of fairies, Ariel is a bit of a trickster. The painting shows the moment just after he has been freed from his master. Ariel is a spirit of the elements (air, fire, earth and water). He was inspired by Ariel, a character from a play written by William Shakespeare called The Tempest. The artist Henry Singleton painted this fairy. You can shape shift which means you can change into other forms and beings. Which Arty Fairy Are You?Dust off your wings, jump off your toadstool and find out which fairy you really are!You're a Shape-Shifting Spirit You're not scared of anyone, you want to be free! You even ride bats now and then when you need to get places quickly.